This workshop introduces the basic and creative uses of [ARRAST_VJ], a free software for audiovisual creation that enables real time manipulation of videoclips (with sound), images and cameras, and also the creation of interactive compositions, which may be stored, reproduced and exported. It includes an effects input module, mixing resources (MIX mode) and 2D mapping (MAP mode), besides an OSC communication interface able to articulate with other software and hardware, everything in an open source platform. It is developed with Pure Data (Pd) and oriented towards GNU/Linux users, although installation on other operating systems is possible. The workshop also aims to let people know what’s going on under the hood, showing the internals of software implementation and discussing possible improvements and collaborations.
Official Repository:
Copyleft 2015-2021 Bruno Rohde | GPLV3 License | [ARRAST_VJ] is free software: you may redistribute it and/or modify it in accordance with the terms of the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, whether version 3 of the License or any later version.
– Pd Vanilla (0.50 or latter);
– GEM library (0.93.3 or latter) with video support:
— You can test if video playback is working going to Help > Browser > Gem > examples > 04.pix >;
— Alternatively, you can load GEM in a new patch with [declare -lib Gem], than create [pix_film] and open its help file with right click on the object;
– The workshop is oriented to GNU/Linux users. Other OS (Mac OS, Windows) might work if the user can install the GEM library and test playback video content with [pix_film] helpfile.
The expected audience is Gnu/Linux users, with some basic understanding on digital image and video, notions on vj / video mapping techniques, and preferably some Pure Data background, but everyone is welcome to try and follow the workshop.
Notes for participants:
– Participants are expected to install Pd Vanilla and GEM library beforehand, so we can make the most of the workshop time;
— On debian / ubuntu and derivatives: sudo apt install puredata gem
– Also, please clone or download the ARRAST_VJ repository:
– You are all also invited to send me some audiovisual material that we can use in the presentation examples:
— subject: My videos! (or something like that)
– If you want to prepare content for personal use, please check the User Manual about naming files, codecs and formats suggested.
– I’ll prepare some audio and video content in the right format and share it before the workshop, so everyone can follow the presentation easily. If someone shares their content on time (before 18/11), it might be included in the pack.
Bruno Rohde is a musician, visual artist, programmer and teacher from Brazil. He moves between electronic music, sound art and audiovisual performance (live visuals, live cinema). He researches and develops software and physical interfaces with free technologies for composition and interactivity on performances and installations. He also works as a professor in the area of contemporary arts and technologies in educational institutions and cultural projects.