Janelas Afetivas: frameworks for absences
the sensation of emptiness in everyday life, in routines, in excesses, in the repetition of confinement, and in the endless losses. This audiovisual performance is performed live using the OBS free stream software, used to make the live mixing of a virtual chat carried out by the jitsi meet free software. The proposal of the actions of the participants is developed by the theme of each meeting of the series Janelas Afetivas (Affective Windows).
With each new screen opened in the browser, in its pages, in the various functions delegated to the software, we face the emergency of delimiting actions and time, which converge in framings that mean everything and, sometimes, nothing.
The choices of the fragments of a previous experience to this current condition, generates the potentialization of the traces of an existence, transforms the online meeting, exposed to the world, into a new experimentation of the meaning of each one’s emptiness.
A meeting in the present between open memories, which manifest themselves in details, in simple gestures, so as not to forget to remember a presence.
Janelas Afetivas: frameworks for absences (2020-2021)
COM.6 (Agda Carvalho, Clayton Policarpo, Edilson Ferri, Daniel Malva, Miguel Alonso, Sergio Venancio)
Agda Carvalho
Clayton Policarpo
Daniel Malva
Miguel Alonso
Sergio Venancio
Sound design:
Daniel Malva
In memory of Edilson Ferri
The COM.6 collective, created in 2017, is composed of Brazilian artists and researchers. Working in the fields of art, technology and design, the collective discusses themes of corporeality, orality and materiality. Recently, they have been
exploring remote and collaborative creative processes of artistic works and academic texts. The group production present a critical positioning on the merging issues of the body, culture, behavior and technology. Their works include the installation “Sala dos Milagres” (2018-2019) and the series of online performances “Janelas Afetivas” (2020-
Agda Carvalho:
Visual artist and curator. Post Doctoral Internship at Media Lab – UFG in Digital Humanities. Post Doc in Arts – IA Unesp. Doctorate in Communication Sciences (ECAUSP), Master in Visual Arts (lA – UNESP). GIIP member. Professor of the Design Course at the Mauá Institute of Technology. . E-mail: agdarcarvalho@gmail.com
Clayton Policarpo:
PhD student (Capes scholarship) and Master in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design (TIDD), PUC-SP. member of the research groups TransObjetO (TIDD – PUC-SP) and Realidades (ECA – USP). E-mail: clayton.policarpo@gmail.com
Daniel Malva:
Visual artist and master in PPG in Arts at IA-Unesp, São Paulo. Member of the research group c.A.t – science / ART / technology and GIIP – (IA-Unesp). E-mail: info@malva.fot.br
Miguel Alonso:
Visual artist and art educator, PhD student at PPGAV – ECA / USP. Master by the PPG in Arts of the UNESP. Technology and Arts Educator at SESC – São Paulo. Graduated in Visual Arts and Bachelor of Arts at UNESP. Works directly in the areas of Multimedia, Engraving and Three-Dimensional Development. E-mail: miguelalonso@usp.br
Sergio José Venancio Júnior:
CAPES Proex. Master in Visual Arts (ECA USP). Member of the Realities Research Group (ECA – USP). Professor of the Specialization Course in Graphic Design (IA Unicamp) and the Postgraduate Course in Digital Architecture (Belas Artes SP). E-mail: svenancio@gmail.com