
I’ll be presenting a livecoding set prepared for the festival based on samples i’ve gathered from this pandemic time.

Pulgateca co-founder, collective and platform for mediation and experimentation with obsolete resources and the U-suré Magazine, independent anthropology and social communication collective. Developer of Benkio, website for non-formal education and urban activation.
Co-Organizer at PROXY, bienniale of new media art. I’m in charge of SINESTESIA, initiative on experimentation with new digital media for interdisciplinary collective improvisation. Illustrator and composer as smosgasbord in which I experiment with bio-inspired illustration, generative art and experimental electronic music.

Tacacocodin’ is a Central American collective of audiovisual experimentation that uses different tools to generate works under the paradigm of new media / open source. Programming is a fundamental tool in the development of the collective and has led us to use different languages to generate events, socialization of tools and artistic proposals on the web. The collective is in a constant search for learning new technologies that help to expand the possibilities offered by “livecoding” as a digital artistic practice.